• tpe-tobacco-state-legislative-update

Update: State Tobacco Legislative

March 18th, 2021|

In the past week, several state tobacco-related bills have either been introduced or acted on by a state legislative committee or state legislature. Here is an update on those bills, provided by the National [...]

  • rick-simon-tpe-lead-safety-advisor

TPE’s Lead Safety Advisor on Upcoming Conventions

March 12th, 2021|

With President Biden directing states to make all adults eligible for coronavirus vaccines by May 1, Nevada Governor Sisolak tweeted this yesterday: “Challenge accepted.” The Governor received his vaccine yesterday alongside hospitality workers and said, “I want to [...]

Gov. Steve Sisolak on Las Vegas Conventions

March 11th, 2021|

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak announced today while receiving his COVID-19 vaccination at a local grocery store. “I want to make las vegas and Nevada the safest place and the healthiest place for people to [...]